Please briefly "bear" attentive with us for the

Data Privacy Policy:

-updated last on 23 July 2024

Designated Data Controller:

Niklas Todenhöfer

An der Kolonnade 11-13

10117 Berlin


E-Mail: privacy[at]

To exercise any of your personal data rights, please write an e-mail to the responsible data controller.

Dear reader, in the following we hope to give you an easy-to-read overview about our privacy policy.

With "givingful", "we", "us" we mean the same provider of this service to you.

When we talk about services in the following, we mean any communication or application from us. We aim to give you the best possible experience with our services and thus collect personal data from you to personalize your experience.

Your privacy and the security of vour data is and will always be extremely important to us. If anything herein were unclear, or you had questions please feel free to write to the designated Data Controller.

Which personal data do we collect from you?

We collect data of the following categories from you:

(1) Contact information (email, name)

(2) Identification (age, availability, date of birth, gender, location, user id)

(3) Usage (logged in, offers and requests)

(4) Financials (preferred currency, payments)

(5) Content (descriptions, titles, photos)

(6) Social (ratings, referrals)

(7) Legal (accepted_date)

When do we collect personal data from you?

(1) Contact Information:
When you sign up, update your profile, or contact support.

(2) Identification: At signup, profile updates, and when using location-based services.

(3) Usage:
Recorded when you log in, create or respond to offers, and interact with the platform.

(4) Financials:
When you choose a currency, during transactions or when you set up payment methods.

(5) Content:
Created when you upload photos, write descriptions, or title your offers.

(6) Social:
Compiled from your interactions such as leaving ratings or when you refer others.

(7) Legal:
Documented when you accept terms and conditions or any legal updates.

For which purpose do we collect your personal data?

(1) Contact Information:
To verify your identity, communicate with you, and provide support.

(2) Identification:
To protect your account, offer personalized services, and fulfill legal requirements.

(3) Usage:
To personalize your user experience, improve our platform and ensure security.

(4) Financials:
For processing payments, offering currency options, and accounting purposes.

(5) Content:
It allows you to create and share offers on our platform.

(6) Social:
To create a trustworthy community environment through transparent ratings and referrals.

(7) Legal:
To document legal agreements and ensure compliance.

Legal basis for processing your personal data

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Article 6 Paragraph 3 (a): Consent from the user by clicking the checkbox

"Read and agree" OR clicking "Accept" on signup.

Legal basis for processing: Consent according to Article 6, 1. a) GDPR

Third-Party Data Processing

The following third-party services may receive transfers of your data for these purposes:

(A) Brevo for sending you E-Mail

(B) Google via Firebase, Firebase Crashlytics, Firestore, Google Analytics for providing you (safety) data services.

For more information, click Google’s privacy policy

(C) PayPal and Stripe for payment processing.

For (C) PayPal and Stripe:

Security Capabilities and Policy for Transmission of Payment (Card) Details 
PayPal (see PayPal privacy hub) and Stripe (see Stripe Privacy Policy) employ advanced encryption and security measures to ensure your payment information is protected.

Your personal data rights as a data subject

According to GDPR Articles 15 through 22 your personal data rights encompass the following:

Right of access: Article 15, GDPR

Right of rectification: Article 16, GDPR

Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”): Article 17, GDPR

Right to restriction of processing: Article 18, GDPR

Right to data portability: Article 20, GDPR

Right to object: Article 21, GDPR

Rights in Relation to automated individual decision making, including profiling: Article 22, GDPR

Thanks for briefly "bearing" attentive with us for the data privacy policy