Our mission

“Change locally impact globally

What does givingful do?

Minimize waste while maximizing shared enjoyment.

Problem and Mission statement

Global greed and insustainable production patterns may have created our current overconsumption society.
This overconsumption leads to higher Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which are problematic for our planet.

Problematic, because the balance of our ecosystem is threatening not only other species but humans over time as well.
givingful’s global community contributes to minimize global carbon emissions.
The minimization of global carbon emissions stems from avoiding unnecessary production for goods which are instead reutilized on

Why givingful?

1) Based on “Everything is interconnected”: To minimize global inequality

2) Based on overconsumption and -production: To minimize global overconsumption and waste

3) Because of (food) waste and isolation in cities: To reduce social isolation and (food) waste 

4) Based on friction when giving away or collecting free items: Match givers and collectors via time-based booking

Want to learn more? Check out & contribute to our Purpose document: